Safety-assured High-speed Navigation for MAVs
Yunfan REN,
Fangcheng Zhu, Guozheng Lu,
Yixi Cai, Longji Yin,
Fanze Kong, Jiarong Lin,
Nan Chen,
Fu Zhang
October, 2024
Exciting News!
Our work, SUPER, has been accepted by
and is awaiting publication. Huge thanks to all co-authors for their
remarkable contributions!
Stay tuned for more details
on SUPER, which will be shared after the official release.
Accepted to
Ph.D. candidate in Robotics🤖
My research focuses on
Aerial Robots Navigation,
Swarm Intelligence, and
Optimal Control. My research code on GitHub has
accumulated over 3.6k stars ⭐. Notable
repositories include
ROG-Map (★323),
FAST-LIVO2 (★1.2k), and
LiDAR_IMU_Init (★868).